CareerCup Find lexicographic minimum in a circular array 循环数组字典序
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Write the code to find lexicographic minimum in a circular array, e.g. for the array 


BCABDADAB, the lexicographic mininum is ABBCABDAD



It's a nice problem!

Here is a O(n) solution : 

We concat the string twice, then browse the string from left to right, 
keeping the the start position of the current answer seen so far. 
When we see a letter that would possibly be the start pos of a new answer, we do 
not update it yet, instead we keep an offset that defines the size of the prefix 
that has been checked for comparison of the current best answer and the possible 
new answer. 


std::string lex_min(const std::string&); int main() { std::cout<




